When Splash was dropped off at a shelter in Georgia, at approximately 6 weeks old, back in December of 2020 she couldn’t walk at all. Rescue Dogs Rock NYC stepped up, had her brought to NY, and where I took her in as a foster, and later decided to adopt her!
After being seen by the vet specialist Splash was diagnosed with Kyphosis. Kyphosis is a type of spinal deformity. Many people have heard of scoliosis, which is somewhat similar to kyphosis. The difference is that scoliosis is a lateral (side to side) curvature of the spine, while kyphosis is a posterior (up and down) curvature of the spine, specifically in the upper, or cervical, portion of the spine. This curvature can cause nerve damage.
After 10 months of physical therapy, Splash’s back left leg began to work on its own. However, her right leg did not respond as well. The Drs decided that surgery was a viable option to give Splash the best chance at having four working legs. On January 6th the Dr. created a new groove for her right patella and shifted her tibia crest. He also added 2 implants. Splash did amazing during surgery and was sent home for bed rest on Friday, January 7th. She is doing very well. Her pain is being managed! She has a long road to full recovery and will begin months of additional Physical therapy will come as soon as the vet recommends it.
Please consider donating to Splash’s care and rehabilitation. It is heartbreaking that things like this happen to the most innocent of souls. Your donation makes a huge impact on helping innocent lives and supporting their second chance at life! We thank you for your generosity!