Felix’s ordeal began when he was heartlessly left outside in 30-degree weather by his owners all because he battled constant, uncontrollable seizures. One day, they decided that they just didn’t want to care for him anymore and horrifically cast him outside in the freezing cold, ultimately leaving him to die.
With his nervous system severely impacted by what veterinarians later identified as a trauma-induced brain stem injury, Felix's life was at a dangerously low point. He was initially misdiagnosed with Cerebellar Hypoplasia, but his situation took a grave turn when it became evident that the real issue was due to an untreated infection or blunt force trauma. His seizures were relentless, and by being trapped outside, his life was quickly slipping away from him.
Thankfully, Felix did not endure this pain alone for long. A Good Samaritan found him in the freezing cold, convulsing severely, and immediately dove in to save the precious kitty from certain doom. When Felix was brought into our care, it was clear that he needed immediate help. We placed him in the home of a loving foster, who, soon after, caught a full seizure on video, truly showcasing the urgency of his situation. We swiftly changed his medication regimen, hoping to alleviate some of his distress, and immediately made an appointment with our trusted vet.
Veterinarians revealed that Felix had been fighting this cruel sickness for a long time. The delays in his treatment meant that only limited options were available. Yet, we were committed to offering Felix the best care possible. Through diligent monitoring and the gradual introduction of new treatments, Felix began to carefully improve. Even though he continued to experience focal seizure activity, and his stride was quite wonky and funny, his major seizures seemed to occur less often.
Felix's incredible resilience, in due time, truly paid off. Slowly but surely, his unique personality began to shine through his physical struggles. Then, the miraculous happened – Felix was ADOPTED! He now has a loving family who understands his needs completely and is prepared to give him his daily seizure medication, which he will need to take for the rest of his life. Felix's new home has offered him the stability, comfort, and love he had always dreamed of. Felix even gained a kitty sibling who he just absolutely adores!
It is thanks to your generous donations through CUDDLY that Felix now enjoys a happy and stable life with a loving family. His transformative story is nothing short of a miracle, and we are so proud of him and the progress he’s made thus far. Your continued support is vital in rescuing and rehabilitating animals just like Felix. Thank you so much!