

January 12, 2024

In the biting chill of February last year, seven tiny souls huddled together, their world defined by cold, hunger, and an overwhelming sense of abandonment. Their mother, their beacon of warmth and sustenance, hadn't returned for two days. 

Their tiny bellies echoed with gnawing hunger, their eyes reflecting the grim reality of their existence. Each day they watched, helpless and forgotten, as other dogs were fed while they received nothing. Waffles was one of those puppies.

Then, a glimmer of hope cut through their bleak world. A woman's voice echoed in the distance. Their tiny barks rang out like a desperate chorus, a plea for life and rescue. Words like "search warrant" swirled in the cold air, and suddenly, they were lifted from their icy prison and brought into warmth and safety.

The Sampson County Animal Shelter became their haven. For 99 days, they were nurtured back to health, their thin bodies nourished with food and vitamins, and their spirits soothed with love and care. An occasional visitor, a kind woman, would tell them stories about their mother and assure them they were safe. She made a promise - she would find them homes. They were part of the #JusticeForMarmalade movement, and soon, they would know what it meant to be adopted and loved.

Waffles, one of the seven puppies, dreamed of what 'rescued' could mean: Basking in the warm grass, never knowing hunger again, having his own cozy bed and a friend to play with. He dreamt of a life that was never afforded to him. Now, Waffles doesn’t have to dream a moment longer.

Sweet Waffles has been adopted and is settling in comfortably to his new home. Our darling is getting to know his older dog sibling, who has welcomed him with open paws. This sweet boy is living the dream, pampered and adored day in and day out, as every fur baby should be. Without your support, we would have never been able to provide Waffles with the care he needed in order to heal. Thanks to you, Waffles has found his way into the arms of a loving family who will cherish him for the rest of his life.

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