Murphy was just a few months old when she had experienced human cruelty of the worst kind. People who did not know her..did not value her..decided one day that they would douse her in motor oil and practically kill her in the process.
By the time our team members heard about her and got to her, she was knocking on death's door after ingesting so much of the toxic substance through her mouth and ear canals. She was nothing but a hopeless stray with no protection - the perfect target for a group of teenagers in Azerbaijan looking for trouble.
They poured gasoline oil over her and tried to set her on fire. (We've included some photos above from when we first found her so that you could see). Thankfully, they didn’t finish the job because someone ran to her aid but by then, the oil had burned through Murphy’s tiny body. She was rushed to the urgent care unit with chemical burns and toxic poisoning by our team members but we learned that her eyes and ears were so badly damaged that she couldn't see or even hear. She had to been bathed and shaved to remove the oil at first and for weeks, was hooked to IV fluids to flush out the oil in her system, had wound treatments done for the chemical burns caused by the oil, and went through numerous rounds of supportive care from the intoxication from the debris and oil she ingested.
She would have died that day if the passerby had not intervened and alerted us here at Good World Animal Rescue and Protection.
For weeks upon weeks, Murphy went through literal Hell. We thought she'd be blind and deaf forever. But she crawled her way out, stayed strong through treatment, and with the overwhelming support from rescuers, donors, medical professionals, and CUDDLY, we were able to raise thousands of dollars to fund her medical care - and because of that, Murphy made a FULL RECOVERY. But what's more is that once she was healed, she traveled from Azerbaijan to the United States to be with her furever family! That's right! She was adopted into a home that will cherish her forever.
We couldn’t be happier for Murphy and wish her and her family many years filled with love. It's stories like hers that keep us going. We might not be able to save them all but with dedication, the love from our supporters, and the amazing help from CUDDLY, we know that we have the best chance at giving these animals hope in their darkest time!
We want to thank everyone who donated to Murphy’s medical care, we want to thank CUDDLY and our amazing representative for their amazing help through the journey, and we want to thank Murphy for staying so strong and resilient through it all!