

July 15, 2024

Once trapped in an engulfment of flames, Fawkes was left barely alive, then heartlessly abandoned by his family. He suffered severe wounds like gashed lungs, painfully burnt, bloody paws, and charred fur. Through tireless efforts, lots of love, and incredible CUDDLY donations, this precious boy was able to make a remarkable transformation that has left us jumping for joy!

Fawkes’s story begins in a heartbreaking way. He endured unimaginable terror and pain when his home erupted in flames. His family ran out without him, leaving him trapped inside for hours, inhaling toxic fumes and suffering agonizing burns. By the time the first responders discovered him, Fawkes was barely clinging to life, his body nearly torn apart by the roaring fire. 

After the horrific incident that took their home, his former family, overwhelmed by their own distress, made the heartbreaking decision to abandon him to emergency services. Fawkes, once a loyal companion, found himself alone and critically injured in an oxygen cage, which was the only thing keeping him alive. His lungs were filled with fluid, his fur terribly singed, and his paws raw and bloody. Just overnight, his world had completely changed.

Despite these grim conditions and the harrowing uncertainty of the future, we refused to give up on this sweet kitty. He had a lengthy journey toward full recovery, but we were determined to give him everything we had so that he at least had a fighting chance. He deserved that much, at least. We were determined not to abandon him like his former family had. Instead, we were going to fight alongside him, every step of the way.

The oxygen chamber helped combat the effects of the thick, black smoke that had infiltrated his lungs, and he endured multiple, sedated debridement sessions to remove his dead, charred tissue, especially on his feet, to promote full healing. We encountered a bit of a problem when the skin of his eye began to heal closed, threatening to seal his eye fully shut. To fight this, Fawkes underwent even more procedures to ensure his skin stayed stretched out. Each day, this sweet kitty made small amounts of progress, slowly working his way to full healing, and every milestone was greatly celebrated! 

Eventually, Fawkes' paws began to heal, and his eyes happily responded to treatment.  His foster mom provided not just medical care, but abundant love, which played a critical role in his emotional recovery. Thanks to the safe and nurturing environment he was in, he began to play and seek attention, showcasing more and more of his joyful, kitty self. At this time, incredible CUDDLY donations began POURING in, assisting us in our strenuous, ongoing efforts and soothing sweet Fawkes during his lengthy recovery period. 

Each day, Fawkes was looking even more amazing. His fur grew back healthy and full, and he began to fully enjoy life. His transformation was just incredible to witness firsthand, and we were so proud of him and his unwavering fight for life. Then, one happy day, his foster family, unable to part with Fawkes, decided to adopt him! This sweet boy now has a wonderful, forever family to call home. A home that will never, ever abandon him. 

Fawkes is now thriving, surrounded by a family that truly cherishes him and all of his quirks. Thanks to your generous donations through CUDDLY, this sweet boy’s journey from tragedy to joy was made possible. Your kindness has given him a chance at a happy and full life. Thank you so much for extending your kindness and ultimately, making this dream a reality for him.

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