

July 26, 2024

At barely eight weeks old, Estrela faced a nightmare that nearly stole her young life. One fateful day, she was hit by a car that drove off without even a glance back, leaving her to suffer in agony alongside the busy road. For forty excruciating minutes, Estrela cried out in pain, unable to move at all, until finally, our rescue was alerted of her plight.

We rushed to the scene and choked back sobs at the sight of her. She was squirming helplessly, kicking her little legs around and crying in agony. Carefully, we scooped up her broken body, rushing her to an emergency hospital. We cradled her close to us, with no clue as to what the future might hold for her. 

Upon arrival, the medical team gasped at the extent of Estrela's injuries. She suffered from a traumatic brain injury, with potential trauma to the brainstem and cervical spine, and a severely broken jaw. Most heartbreakingly, she had slipped into a coma, her tiny body fighting to mend itself after the devastating accident. The first seventy-two hours of treatment were critical, with veterinarians working tirelessly to reduce brain swelling and manage her harrowing pain. 

Miraculously, after four days in a coma, Estrela awakened, plastering wide smiles on all of our faces; there was still hope for her. The once-grave situation began to carefully transform before our very eyes Although she had stabilized, Estrella’s road to recovery was far from over. She had endured a skull fracture as well as a fracture in her mouth, which required ongoing treatment and constant monitoring. Her vision was also at risk due to the severe head trauma, which may or may not ever heal. 

For these past few months, we have dedicated ourselves to this sweet baby’s rehabilitation. Through bottle-feeding and round-the-clock care, Estrela gradually regained strength. Specialists continuously monitored her progress, with neurologists and ophthalmologists addressing her vision and neurological health. This is when CUDDLY donations began pouring in, helping us cover the extensive cost of Estrela’s treatment and providing aid throughout her recovery.

With immense bravery and resilience, Estrela continued to fight. Her spirit did not go unnoticed, and her story touched many hearts along the way. An eager family, who had followed her journey from the beginning, joyfully adopted her the moment she was discharged from the hospital. They will continue to take her to her neurologist appointments to treat her ongoing head injury, doing whatever they can to help her. We are just so happy that Estrela now has a safe and loving place to call home after all the tragedy that she has been through!

Today, Estrela is thriving with her new family, enjoying life with her kitten sibling. Although her vision has not fully healed, she sees well enough to embrace a joyful life and play. Her incredible recovery has truly amazed us all, and it was absolutely incredible to witness her healing firsthand. None of this would have been possible, however, without you. 

Estrela's transformation from tragedy to triumph was made possible thanks to your generous donations through CUDDLY. Your support ensures that more animals like Estrela can have a second chance at a happy life with loving families. Thank you so much, truly, for caring for this sweet girl. Your support has completely changed her life.

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