

July 26, 2024

Mason was once a defenseless, abandoned puppy, barely holding on to life after he was savagely attacked by another animal on the streets. His frail, injured body was left exposed and vulnerable, attracting maggots and flies, which further exacerbated his pain and suffering. His wounds grew infected, his body dehydrated and starved, and he was surely on the brink of death. If we hadn’t found him when we did, it would have likely been too late for him!

When we finally found Mason, lying pitifully and all alone, we rushed him to the vet, understanding that time was of the essence. The vets, shocked at his horrific state, stared at him in utter dismay before providing him with immediate medical care. They sedated him, cleaned his infected gashes, and stabilized his fragile condition. They drained fluid from a critical chest wound and began the intricate process of treating his severe infections, malnutrition, and harrowing injuries.

Each day marked a small victory in Mason’s recovery journey. Although his condition was dire, Mason displayed an incredible will to survive. The medical team tirelessly cared for him, addressing his itchy skin (the aftermath of it being once eaten away by maggots), low energy levels, and dangerously low weight. Slowly but surely, Mason began showing signs of improvement. He was truly a little fighter, and this was made all the more evident as his once-open wounds started to close, his hair began to grow back, and he began to gain some weight. 

Mason wasn’t alone in his struggle; his siblings Mags and Monte were also rescued and received treatment for severe health issues. As Mason healed, he bonded with his siblings, and they provided each other with the comfort and companionship they needed to power through this extensive healing journey. Despite the long recovery ahead, we held onto the hope that they would make it to the other side just fine. They had already come this far, and we were determined to get them all the way through. 

By the time Mason was ready for adoption, he had transformed into a healthy, joyful dog. He enthusiastically enjoyed his food, played with his foster family, and reveled in his new, beautiful life. Mason’s remarkable journey touched the hearts of everyone who witnessed it. The entire situation was just remarkable; this precious boy was once found clinging to life, and now he was running freely and soaking in the sun! 

We are THRILLED to say that Mason has now found his forever home with a loving family who adores him so much. They promise that he’ll always have a full belly, fresh, fluffy beds, and tons of snuggles. Thanks to your generous donations through CUDDLY, Mason now has a chance at a happy, healthy life with his new family. Your support has made this miraculous transformation possible. By donating to CUDDLY, you are transforming the lives of countless animals in need, just like Mason.

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