

September 06, 2024

Found practically at death’s door, Sian was shrouded in ticks that burrowed into her ears and across her back, and she was barely alive due to severe anemia. But thanks to urgent rescue efforts and devoted medical care, she is now fully healed and thriving in her new, forever home. Her incredible transformation is nothing short of miraculous; read on to learn more!

Our rescue team’s day took a heart-wrenching turn when we discovered Sian, a young pup lying helpless under the relentless desert sun on the side of the road. Barely clinging to life, her frail body was riddled with so many ticks, and severe anemia had left her too weak to stand. The scorching desert heat, combined with the overwhelming infestation, had brought this sweet girl to the edge of collapse.

We quickly rushed her to safety, where veterinarians worked urgently to stabilize her condition. Blood tests revealed dangerously low levels, a clear sign of anemia, and she required immediate rehydration. Hundreds of ticks were carefully removed from her ears and back, providing her a morsel of relief. But her recovery journey was far from over, and her fragile state demanded constant care.

Placed in a loving foster home that could provide her with the nourishing care she needed, Sian slowly began her transformation. Her once-emaciated frame began to regain strength, her posture straightened, and the light in her eyes carefully returned. With each passing day, she flourished, surrounded by the warmth and security of her new environment. Sian shed the pain of her past and embraced the promise of a brighter future ahead.

Sian’s story is one of resilience, a beacon of hope for all once-abandoned animals. Her journey has just been so beautiful to watch, and we are so fortunate that we were able to rescue her when we did. After weeks of flourishing in her foster home, Sian is now ready for a loving home where she can embrace her bright, new future around people who truly love her, exactly as she is. We almost can't believe the remarkable progress she's made thus far!

Thanks to your generous donations through CUDDLY, animals like Sian are given a second chance at a joyful life in a caring family. Your support makes these life-saving transformations possible. Thank you so much for helping this sweet girl by funding her medical care and providing her with this beautiful new life!

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