
Chucky Finster

March 05, 2020
Chucky Finster
Chucky Finster
Chucky Finster
Chucky Finster
Chucky Finster
Chucky Finster
Chucky Finster
Chucky Finster
Chucky Finster
Chucky Finster
Chucky Finster
Chucky Finster
Chucky Finster
Chucky Finster
Chucky Finster

Chucky has lived Through a waking nightmare, his family that should've loved and, cared for him decided instead to make him into their own brutal experiment. 

Chucky was taken away from a family after reports that they kept him locked in their basement. They did not provide this sweet boy with food or water, and would periodically mercilessly beat him. It was for their pleasure, their sick experiment to see how long it would take for poor Chucky to die. He had no voice left, he wouldn't even attempt to bark even when he was scared. Though voice wouldn't tell you, his eyes told you exactly how scared he is. When he first came into "Protect Me Albania's" care he was not eating and, was throwing up everything they tried to give him. He had to be put on IV fluids and, monitored 24/7. Thanks to the tremendous outpour of love and support from our CUDDLY donors not only did this sweet boy raise $5092 ($592 more than his goal) that more than paid for his much needed medical care, but he received a mountain of much needed items that helped him heal and raised his spirits.

Chucky has now found safety in the arms of his new Mommy and he couldn't be happier. Happy Tails Chucky you deserve it!

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