

May 17, 2021

At only 12-weeks-old, Dodge and his siblings were urgently rushed to the animal hospital after being abruptly hit by a Dodge Charger. His siblings sustained minor injuries and went home, but the owner decided that euthanasia was the best option for Dodge. Dodge's injuries were more severe, yes...but in a time where Dodge needed someone to fight for him and give him a chance, he was left behind. 

Luckily, a student at the hospital took over ownership of Dodge not only because he was this sweet boy just begging for a chance at life, but because he DESERVED to have someone fight for him. With that said though, Dodge needed extensive care and the student inevitably needed some help with his medical bills. That's when ThisisHouston stepped up to the plate. Without hesitation, rescuers sprung into action to give this cutie his fighting chance he deserved. X-rays had revealed that Dodge suffered a spinal fracture and that his spine was displaced, which as you can imagine, was causing him a tremendous amount of pain. Dodge was immediately administered pain meds and a fentanyl patch to alleviate the pain. However, due to the instability of the fracture, and each time he would try to shift from one side to the other or even stand to go to the bathroom, he would be in a great deal of pain. He also lost sensation to his tail, which was a progression due to the instability of the two fragments.

Euthanasia was not an option, so rescuers did everything they could to patch him back up. And thanks to the generosity of CUDDLY donors, who were able to raise over $2,000 for Dodge's surgeries and treatment, this boy not only received everything he needed..but he made a FULL recovery.

The joy of it all doesn't end there though. Having grown so attached to this boy - having seen him at his worst - the student who initially stepped up to save his life has chosen to care for this boy for the rest of his life. That's right. Dodge has been ADOPTED by the student who was his voice from the very beginning. We're so incredibly happy about this. It's stories like this that make the tough days in rescue worth it. And it's people like the ones on CUDDLY who gave to Dodge that make this all possible. 

Happy forever after, Dodge! 

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