

June 24, 2021

Found face down lying in a ditch on the side of the road, Nakoa was holding on for dear life when two samaritans spotted him. He was rushed to Shaw Pit Bull Rescue with his sidekick Vlad, alongside him. Both of them were beyond emaciated, covered in fleas, and just overall drained of life. 

Nakoa made his way to Shaw Pit Bull Rescue in the knick of time! His retic count was 10% (at 9% a blood transfusion is needed). His body temp was very low and he had to have heat therapy for several days to bring it back up. Nakoa could barely hold his head up on his own, much less stand/squat to walk or potty. Nakoa spent almost two weeks at the vet, on IV fluids, antibiotics, and hourly feedings until he was stable enough to come back to the rescue.

Nakoa had a long road to recovery, but throughout it all, he has been so full of love, even after being discarded like trash. This sweet boy's resilience is admirable and his transformation has been remarkable! Because of CUDDLY, Nakoa's campaign raised over $1,500 AND he received so many wonderful wishlist items!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your generosity! Your kindness is what makes the hardships of rescue worth every second. Because of you, rescuers were able to continue saving lives and giving dogs like Nakoa a second chance. 

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