

June 12, 2024

Nutella's story begins with a heartbreaking tragedy, but ends with a joyous recovery, and it all started one fateful day—the day we received a desperate call for help. She was pummeled by a speeding train and lay in its wake shuddering with pain and fear. A witness reported seeing the poor girl from afar, brutally injured, and dragging a severed leg. Abandoned and suffering, no one stepped forward to help until it was almost too late. 

When Nutella was rushed to the hospital, she was found to also have a severely injured mouth, a high fever, and anemia. Her infectious disease tests showed she was positive for Distemper, a typically fatal disease in puppies. Adding to her challenges, she was also battling pneumonia. So began the intense, life-saving treatment Nutella desperately needed.

There was no more time to waste—Nutella required emergency surgery. Her damaged, infected leg was at risk of sepsis, and the medical team needed to operate before her Distemper symptoms worsened. Additionally, Nutella's mouth injury required surgical intervention to close the wound and remove damaged teeth. These surgeries were critical, and thankfully, they went well. But it wasn’t smooth sailing from then on, not yet, at least.

Post-surgery, Nutella needed a blood transfusion due to her extremely low hematocrit levels and round-the-clock nebulization treatments for Pneumonia. Despite her injuries being well taken care of, this girl was struggling internally with her many illnesses and immune deficiencies.

But day by day, Nutella showed promising signs of recovery. Her resilience shone through as she healed remarkably well from her surgeries and began to gain back the strength she once had. Her surgical site was attentively cared for, and while she continued to battle Distemper, we were very diligent with managing her symptoms.

Then, a special date at the beginning of June marked a miraculous turn in Nutella's life. Our resilient baby girl was finally adopted! Nutella has overcome every obstacle in her path with gusto, and we are OVERJOYED that she gets to rest now in her forever home filled with love, care, and joy. She is thriving with her new family and sibling, savoring playtime and the feeling of being safe. This transformation was made possible by the unwavering support and generosity of our incredible community made up of members like YOU!

Your donations through CUDDLY have given Nutella a second chance at life and a loving family. It is because of your generosity that she can now enjoy the happiness she truly deserves. Thank you for making a difference!

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