

July 15, 2024

Luka, a little Frenchie puppy, was cruelly abandoned at a shelter with an untreated prolapse that left his tiny body hanging by a thread. The shelter promptly contacted CAMO Rescue, and we acted immediately, desperate to save this little baby’s life.

Upon arrival at our rescue, Luka was found suffering from giardia and other parasites—conditions that alone could be fatal, especially for a puppy so little and fragile. The vet team provided immediate medical intervention, scheduling an urgent sacral colpopexy surgery for the next day. Sacral colpopexy is a procedure that secures the colon to the abdominal wall, preventing abnormal movements or twisting. 

Unfortunately, Luka's colon tissue had deteriorated due to prolonged neglect. And yet, despite the odds, the surgical team worked tirelessly. We were determined to give him a fighting chance, restoring his tragic life so that he could live free from pain. Miraculously, Luka emerged from the operating room in incredible spirits, and we knew that, with enough love and support, this little boy would be just fine in the end.

Following the surgery, Luka was placed in ICU for round-the-clock care. The recovery process was fraught with tension, particularly during the critical first 72 hours. But our hard work paid off; Luka began to show signs of recovery, growing stronger each and every day. Updates posted on our Facebook page kept supporters informed and hopeful. That's when the incredible CUDDLY donations began pouring in, providing Luka the much-needed care and soothing aid he needed for recovery.

Soon after, we found Luka a medical foster who provided a loving, nurturing environment for him to regain his strength. Weeks passed, and Luka transformed from a fragile, sickly puppy into a spirited, playful dog. His resilience captured hearts far and wide. He was able to showcase the loving little puppy spirit he always had, deep inside. The final miracle came when Luka was adopted by a family who was ready to provide him with the forever home he'd always dreamed of. We are just so happy for this sweet baby!

Today, Luka’s story stands as a beacon of hope and resilience. Thanks to your generous donations through CUDDLY, Luka now treasures a happy life in a new loving family. Your kindness has transformed his life of despair into joy, impacting his life. Thank you so much for being a part of his journey.

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